Phyllis Wingo, Security Chair
Phyllis Wingo and her husband Rick have lived in Morningside since 1994. They have two daughters who live nearby in Decatur with their families. Phyllis works on security issues for the neighborhood, such as setting up a QR tag system that shows when patrol officers were last on your street, sending out crime statistics and BOLOs, meeting and working with the APD to offer services and clear camps under bridges and in the parks, fund-raising and acquisition of LPR cameras, etc. She is retired from the Centers for Disease Control, where she worked as a mathematical statistician, a reproductive health epidemiologist who conducted studies of oral contraceptives and cancer, and as a cancer epidemiologist managing a program of cancer registries in 45 states and DC (these registries collect cancer data for all patients in each state that are used to describe the burden of disease and to drive cancer control programs). Phyllis and Rick enjoy time with their four grandchildren and love traveling to developing countries and immersing in the local cultures. Other interests for Phyllis include gardening (she is a Master Gardener) and genealogic research.